Toll Free Numbers

International Toll Free numbers may be assigned using the details outlined in this documentation. Calls made to these numbers will not incur toll charges.

To order a Toll Free number, submit a request similar to the following:


    "name": "ABC Company",
    "phone_number_request": {
      "number_type": "international",
      "match_type": "tollfree",
      "iso_country": "GB"
    "call_routes": {
      "route_type": "Basic",
      "route": {
        "termination_number": "+441634567700",
        "features": {
          "call_record": {
            "enabled": true,
            "notification_text": "this call will be recorded",
            "require_confirmation": false,
            "record": true,
            "redaction_enabled": false
          "whisper": {
            "enabled": true,
            "notification_text": "call brought you be XYZ marketing"

A successful request will return a response similar to the following:

    "id": 9570214,
    "name": "ABC Company",
    "group_id": 12462424,
    "status": "Active",
    "phone_number": "+448000885620",
    "created_datetime": "2020-07-30T18:30:39.059Z",
    "modified_datetime": "2020-07-30T18:30:39.059Z",
    "sms_routes": {
        "route_type": "None"
    "call_routes": {
        "route_type": "Basic",
        "route": {
            "id": 31777255,
            "termination_number": "+441634567700",
            "features": {
                "call_record": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "notification_text": "this call will be recorded",
                    "require_confirmation": false,
                    "record": true,
                    "redaction_enabled": false
                "whisper": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "notification_text": "call brought you be XYZ marketing"

Field Definitions

nameA unique name that identifies the numberYes
phone_number_request -> number_typeFor international number ordering, this field must be set to: internationalYes
phone_number_request -> match_typeFor Toll Free numbers, this value must be set to: tollfreeYes
phone_number_request -> iso_countryProvide the two letter ISO country abbreviation where the number should be provisioned from. For details refer to our list of Supported CountriesYes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_detailsThe owner_address_details portion of the request defines a physical address and name for the purposes of number registration.Yes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> salutationSalutation of the person the number will be registered to (Mr/Mrs/Ms/etc)Yes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> first_nameFirst name of the person the number will be registeredYes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> last_nameLast name of the person the number will be registeredYes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> registration_nameBusiness entity that the number will be registered toYes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> building_numberMailing address building numberYes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> streetMailing address street nameYes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> cityMailing address cityYes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> regionMailing address regionYes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> postal_codeMailing address postal codeYes
phone_number_request -> owner_address_details -> iso_countryMailing address country. Please note that the owner address details must correspond to the value specified in: phone_number_request -> iso_countryYes
call_routes -> route_typeAt this time, only "Basic" routing is supported for international orderingYes
call_routes -> route -> termination_numberThe phone number where all calls will be forwarded to. Please note that the termination_number must be located within the country specified in: phone_number_request -> iso_countryYes