Google Analytics
The Google Analytics integration is managed at the Group level. When enabled, all calls made to Number and NumberPools will be uploaded to Google Analytics as 'Phone Call' and 'SMS' events.
To configure AdWords for your Group, you will need to configure your Group to use Google Analytics
1. Configuring Google Analytics Integration
Your Google Analytics configuration is associated with a Group. Below are the fields used when configuring this integration:
Field | Description | Required | Possible Values |
type | The type of Integration you want to create | Yes | GoogleAnalytics |
configuration -> google_analytics_UA_id | Google Analytics ID | Yes | An existing Google Analytics Id (ex. UA-XXXXXX) |
Below is an example of how to configure a Google Analytics integration using the criteria outlined above:
Remember when configuring an Integration it must be assigned to a group.
"type": "GoogleAnalytics",
"configuration": {
"google_analytics_UA_id" : "UA-234252-6"
This request will result in a response similar to the following:
"type": "GoogleAnalytics",
"integration_id": "d889faef-b6cb-4daa-afab-f767673057b1",
"group_id": 11623348,
"created_datetime": "2018-05-14T17:05:09.7261789Z",
"modified_datetime": "2018-05-14T17:05:09.7261789Z",
"configuration": {
"google_analytics_UA_id" : "UA-234252-6"
Note that the 'integration_id' returned by this request must be used for any subsequent updates.
2. Updating Google Analytics Integration
In the event that you need to update your Google Analytics Integration, you will need to submit your request to the following end-point:
"integration_auth_id": "6932dfd8-4efb-492e-97e3-48daba7b8ed5",
"configuration": {
"google_analytics_UA_id" : "UA-234252-6"
This request will result in a response similar to the following:
"type": "GoogleAnalytics",
"integration_id": "d889faef-b6cb-4daa-afab-f767673057b1",
"integration_auth_id": "6932dfd8-4efb-492e-97e3-48daba7b8ed5",
"group_id": 11623348,
"created_datetime": "2018-05-14T17:05:09.727",
"modified_datetime": "2018-05-14T17:19:43.9688953Z",
"configuration": {
"google_analytics_UA_id" : "UA-234252-6"
Updated over 4 years ago